Logo Cristina Contreras
125-acre estate in the term of Alcala de Guadaira
3.018.750€ (£ 2.648.955 approx.)

Reference: 126467
Price: 3.018.750€
Size: 100m²
Plot size: 125Ha
Bedrooms: 1
Bathrooms: 1
125-acre estate in the term of Alcala de Guadaira
125-acre estate in the term of Alcala de Guadaira. The farm in total are 125ha. Secretes and sold 100 has and the other 25 has leased them, since not can segregate. It has a pack of €670 the has. Manzanilla olive water, well and raft.
Salesman:Cristina Contreras
Cristina Contreras
Cristina Contreras, , Sevilla. (+34)695.354.802 https://www.cristinacontreras.net/
Logo Cristina Contreras

Cristina Contreras, , Sevilla. (+34)695.354.802 https://www.cristinacontreras.net/